As I worked on stories for my talk, I referred to some notes I’d kept from a hilarious speaker named Jeanne Robertson, who tells stories in a Texas twang from her own life and who is so funny that, as she might put it, “I laughed so hard my water broke and I wasn’t even pregnant.”
At a workshop for members of the National Speakers Association, Jeanne encouraged us in a habit that I think everyone would benefit from --including you.
Said Jeanne: “Before you go to bed at night, think of at least one amusing experience you had that day.”
Oprah has told the world that it’s a good thing to make a daily list of our gratitudes, but how about also looking consciously at what is funny in our lives?
Here’s why:
- Laughter reduces stress and anxiety. Ever tried looking sad when you’re engaged in a hearty belly laugh?
- Humor shifts perspective. It helps us see situations in a less threatening, oh-poor-me light.
- A sense of humor has something in common with a suit of armor: it protects us from the slings and arrows of each day. It can be a good friend when the going gets tough.