Monday, May 28, 2012

What are you waiting for?

Recently, I read “There are no tomorrows; only a string of todays.” How ironic that we grow up not realizing this. Instead, we are taught to dream forward. To yearn for some day.


I am rich
I am thin
I am in love
I am successfu
I am secure

I shall be happy.

But when someday comes, it is always NOW.
This very moment is all that any of us can be certain we have.
If you think about your own life,  you know this is true.

Jesus said to the rich young man,
“Drop what you are doing and follow me. Come NOW.”
But the rich young man was afraid to let go.  He said,

I have checked on my business
Saved more money
Met more of my goals

I shall  follow you.

But the universal God is always saying to us,
NOT when. NOT after.  NOT someday.
Someday is fantasy. TODAY is what we have.

Do it. Live it. Experience your life. NOW.

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